Friday, December 12, 2014

Creating Happiness Is Their Hobby!

Meet Kate Peake from Joie de Kate…
I am a transplant to the Cleveland area but have lived in NE Ohio most of my life. I love to travel and am inspired by different cultures in everything I do. In addition to my jewelry, I write, paint, crochet, and cross-stitch. I have a great day job that allows me to have time for all of my passions and creativity. I am also a wife and mom to 6 furry kids. 

I have been making jewelry for approximately 12 years. This is my first Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show!

I find creativity to be therapeutic to the mind and body. When I am focused on the designing and making of the pieces, there is no stress involved; it's a great outlet and makes me feel like I accomplished something beautiful. 

I've always been into "artsy" things. My mom had me in craft classes at a very young age and I've been dabbling in different areas since. When I started making pieces for myself, others noticed and expressed interest. 

I am definitely someone who researches designs and looks for ideas, however, I am known to simply grab supplies and randomly make a piece of jewelry without any pre-planning. 
In five years, I hope that I am still making jewelry, no matter how successful I am. It is something I love to do and even the pieces I make as gifts make others so happy-it feels great. I would also love to continue to learn new techniques and designs. 

The message behind my work is to always look for the joy in life!

Meet DJ and Erica Linton from The Happy You LLC…
The Happy You, LLC was founded in 2014 (“doors” opened September 1st) by Erica Linton and DJ Linton. Erica has many years of professional experience as a successful sales representative and as a ‘green’ entrepreneur as well as about 10 years working with essential oils. She is always smiling and loves to make her customers happy. DJ has spent much of her time in the field of finance and assisting with other entrepreneurial ventures that called for great creativity. She loves for things to run smoothly for everyone and enjoys organizing and crunching numbers to make it happen.

This will be our FIRST Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show!
The Happy You began as a way to mix relaxation and fun together within the Athens area. We are long term transplants to Athens – after loving our time at Ohio University – and wanted to find something that Athens would love and we could be happy and secure doing. By creating The Happy You, we are able to combine relaxation and fun through our scented products and our ScentMakery brand (creating a product just for you alongside your friends).
After a long background with essential oils, we turned to creating products! After experiencing the benefits we strive to share the powerful combination of natures best. Handmade in Athens, Ohio.

Our creative process involves the thought of “How many uses can you get from one product?” – Multi-Use! It’s good – use it! We continuously research ‘green’ creations – no additives, non-natural preservatives or chemicals – to deliver products and services that not only make ‘the happy you’ but also make the happy earth.
In the next 5 years we would like our main sources for The Happy You brand to be in select stores throughout Ohio and other parts of the US, along with progressive internet sales. We will continue to add products that our customers are looking for and increase green packaging. We want our products to continue to be handmade and our purpose to be to deliver good for you products that make ‘the happy you’.  

Meet Kay Greenwald Winer from Cake Bites & Other Delights…
I have always had a creative spirit with a love of food. Growing up in a family of 10, my love of cooking and baking was fostered at a young age as I would cook and bake for family meals. In my early professional years when I was working as an advertising and PR executive, I had a catering firm on the side. After having three children with very active schedules, I decided that I needed to have greater flexibility and less stress. Cooking and baking became my creative outlet.

My hobby began in 2009- I made 2,000 cake balls for my daughter's high school graduation party. They were all gone before the end of the party. Everyone was telling me that my cake balls were so delicious that I should sell them. At my first art show in the summer of 2009, I sold out of my inventory before noon (the show ended at 4:00pm). This is my first Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show.
I am inspired not only by making great tasting desserts, but also making them visually appealing and a feast for the eyes as well. 

My niece came home from college one weekend and was describing a new dessert that her and her sorority sisters had tried. She made red velvet cake balls with cream cheese icing that weekend. They were golf ball sized and made from a cake mix. I thought it was a great concept, but thought it could be improved by making scratch cakes as well as making them bite size and decorated to match the flavor of the cake. 
There was no "aha" moment. When I realized that I could bake and cook without being dependent on a cookbook and that I had the ability to improvise recipes or create new recipes successfully, I knew that I had developed my culinary abilities. I guess you could call it talent...

My creative process requires research into food trends and flavors that are popular in major metropolitan markets. When I discover what those trends are, I go into my kitchen, and through trial and error, I create desserts that reflect my findings. 
In 5 years, I would like to have developed a storefront bakery with my baked goods as well as a retail outlet for chocolatiers. Cake Bites and Other Delights exists to make the world a little bit sweeter. We provide beautiful, decorative, hand-crafted confections with a delight in every bite.

2014 Heights Winter Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show
Saturday December 14, 2014, 10:00am-4:00pm
Park Synagogue Main (Kangesser Ballroom)
3300 Mayfield Rd.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
For more information, contact Becki Silverstein, Event Coordinator at
Visit us on:

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